Please forgive Mikey’s awkwardness (he’s big dummy) during this week’s podcast episode.
Outside of that, yeah it’s a pretty normal episode. But we wanted to make sure you see and check out some links mentioned plus some not talked about. Also, some good people to follow.
Things to read and check out:
- “Black Is Beautiful” collab beer project started by Weathered Souls Brewing. We hope this one really catches on with breweries everywhere.
- A great article by Ale Sharpton listing and talking about Black-Owned Breweries.
- “Fresh Fest”, America’s first Black (digital) Brew Fest, happening August 8th.
- A really cool global map of diversely owned breweries put together by Black Beer Travelers. Make sure to scroll that Black Beer Traverlers page because it’s got a lot of good links we don’t have here.
- A Beer Advocate thread listing Black-owned breweries in the U.S., pretty stoked to see one of our favorite brewers, Urban Roots.
Some good beer people and breweries to follow on Twitter:
- @afrobeerchick.
- @buffalowing.
- @jnikolbeckham.
- @WhiteLionBrew.
- @rhytmbrewingco.
- @GarrettOliver.
- @DopeandDank.
- @CrownsAndHops.
- @JSpade82.
- @WhiteLionBrew.
- @EdBaileyComedy.
- @BraceyDuJour.
- @beer_diversity.
- @35mmMonkey.
- @Partnerspod.
- @BrewingChangeMN.
- @freshfestbf.
- @blackbrewcultur.
- @warcloudbrewing.
- @beerthuglife.
- @craftbyEDU.
- @blackzag05.
- @_TheElleWord_.
- @AleSharpton.
Please feel free to contact us (comment on the post or message us) with any more cool people to be following on Twitter or Instagram.
So yeah, not your normal show notes but we wanted to pass them along. Enjoy the episode; some good calls and good beers and good discussions about breweries and taprooms opening up.
You can listen here: PerfectPour358.mp3
We appreciate you being here. Keep your foot on the pedal. Be rad.