So Beer Is Stuck With Hard Seltzers Then?

Narwhal Season has begun, Louie cost someone a Blind Pig and Bell’s Two Hearted doubled down. We gonna drink and talk about that and a whole big mess of other beer things, like we always do. Hope that’s cool? Cool? Yeah? Alright, good to hear.

Let’s Pour!

DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour320.mp3

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HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our send “samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Two Beer Dudes and a Man Baby: The Perfect Pour #319

I don’t think we drank any Russian River beer this week. Huh. Well, that’s fine, we’re still going to drink plenty of good beer. And talk. Talk about beer geeky things. And talk about someone getting drunk in a Target fitting room. Oh, and one of the interesting things that happens is, Matt makes us drink some things we would not like to drink. What a jerk. He does advise us of the most affordable places (with a good beer scene) to be.

DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour319.mp3
48.5MB | 1:45:56 | Language

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HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711


John Gillooly from Drakes Brewing

Look at us, we have Drakes Brewing’s Brewmaster, John Gillooly, on the show!! John is a great guest, lots of craft beer knowledge, the dude has been around, seen a lot of things in craft beer. Lots of fun here.

We also have some sales rep … representation with Zack from Drakes AND our buddy, Rodger, owner and brewer at Pine & Palm!

Lots of fun and things, hope you enjoy it!

CLICK: PerfectPour318withDrakes.mp3
56MB | 2:02:30 | Some Fowl Language

Big cheers to you for listening!


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Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Grunge Is Coming For Craft Beer: The Perfect Pour Episode #312

Russian River: Are they REALLY coming to Fresno?

Seriously, check your dates, even if you think it’s a new beer.

The Gunge era of Craft Beer must be coming for us all, right?

This and a lot more Beer Geek fun on a new Perfect Pour:

CLICK: PerfectPour312.mp3
44.7MB | 1:37:39 | Bad Language

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Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.


Shelf Stable Glassware Breaking: The Perfect Pour #307

Oskar Blues

This is a break-your-glass kind of episode. A fall asleep on your lawn afterward, episode.

Stout Boys vs. Haze Boys kind of episode.

We enjoy an Oskar Blues “CANundrum” 15-pack as we hang out and talk the things in beer that we and the voicemailers like.

The day is yours. Have a beer with us.

CLICK: PerfectPour307.mp3
43.7MB | 1:39:59 | Some Language

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Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Juicy Session Hazy Bruts: Not A Thing – The Perfect Pour 303

Monkish Brewing Crowler

We finally get to talk about the whole Dogfish Head and Boston Beer Company thing. The main question is: Will it change how you drink Dogfish Head or Sam Adams?

Are Brut IPAs, like, DONE done or is there still life? Is BrewDog screwing over marketers?

More beer geek stuff when ya listen. CHEERS!

Click to download: Episode303.mp3
48.3MB | 1:45:40 | Bad Language

Thank you for listening!

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You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Untappd Festival Mistakes: The Perfect Pour #302

I know. I know, Boston Beer Company bought Dogfish Head. But we’re not about that because it has not happened yet. We are about what we are about this week and we are all about it.


Anywaysss. We didn’t pour any beer over ice but we have a nice enough show for you. We do a little discussing of what went wrong with the Untappd Beer festival and a whole lotta other nerdyass beer geek stuff.

Click to download: PerfectPour302.mp3
42.3MB | 1:32:31 | Fowl Language


Thank you for listening!

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You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Practice Beers and Podcast Planning: The Perfect Pour #298

This week we catch up with our drinking and mention some stuff like this:

  • Avengers beers.
  • Game Of Thrones beers.
  • We announce our plan for Episode 300.
  • No this isn’t the Poop Podcast.
  • Epic International Voicemails.
  • Them Enjoy By 4/20s are kinda pricey.
  • Record Store Day beer.
  • Having a beer at BJ’s might not be the worst thing.

And much much more beer NERDS doing nerd stuff.

CLICK: PerfectPour298.mp3
53.7MB | 1:56:47 | Fowl Language

Sorry for all the poop talk.

Thank you for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


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You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Yeast Cannons and Pine & Palm Brewing: The Perfect Pour #296

We are hoppy [sorry] to have back, Roger from Pine & Palm Brewing. He’s going to give us all some advice about starting a brewery and let us in on what’s going down during the brewery’s three-year anniversary party [LINEFEST ALERT!].

Plus, all our usual hijinks of being beer idiots. It’ll be fun, trust me.

CLICK: Episode296.mp3
2:10:30 | 59.7MB | Bad Language

Thank you for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


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You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

You Can Freeze A Beer. It’s Fine: The Perfect Pour #294

Can you actually freeze beer? Yes. It will freeze. Anybody that has put their beer into the freezer to get it cold quick then forgot about it, knows that it will freeze.

But, is your beer still good once you have thawed it out?

Well, the best, once frozen beer, we have ever had, happens this week on the show. That should be enough to get you to listen, I hope.

Okay, okay, what else might happen this week?…

  • Monkish is releasing a beer called “Bind PUG”, will Russian River be cool with this?
  • Tasting Nitch referenced us in a video, that’s pretty cool.
  • Any surprises from’s 2018 Top Craft Brewers in sales?
  • What four Indie Brewers turning Buyout would affect us the most?
  • Where the Unions at? Should there be more Unions in Beer?

This and a lot more beer geek fun!

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour294.mp3
43.1MB | 1:34:14 | Some Fowl Language

Cheers for the listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711