Loaded Like A Freight Train [Episode 367]

Bumping beers off the shelf and having fun. That’s what we try to do all the weeks. This one is no different.

Thankfully, Stone Brewing is giving us more things to talk about, and there are definitely things. Mikey enters the ‘stout layer’, a listener gets a porch bomb for his good show deeds, Who is the Shout Out of the week, and MANY other fun beer things.

We get higher than an airplane, one more time tonight!:

DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour367.mp3
[Watch-out for SASSY language]

Be safe out there and please click out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast. Subscribe with Google Play. You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher. Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.

MUSIC BY: Sunburns and Paul From Fairfax.

Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Mikey would REALLY love it if you subscribe to his newsletter:Sign up for Mikey’s Drinking & Thinking Also, Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our send “STUFF” to us address:
The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Macaroni Necklace and a Slice Beer

Macaroni Necklace

Welcome to Episode 343 of the Perfect Pour!

Dave Ramsey is not going to like this movement. It seems that some taprooms are becoming ‘card only’, meaning they are not handling any cash. Are you okay with this?

Some other things that happen this week: One of us has their first Pliny The Younger experience, Modern Times & Mumford battle for a reco, Paul goes back to the bumper music studio, we try to figure out where you listen to the show and much more beer geek fun-times!

Join us: PerfectPour343.mp3
[Some bad language]



Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s “Drinking & Thinking” beer geek life NEWSLETTER!
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our send “samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Heady Topper Battles General Tecumseh

Welcome to episode 341 of the Perfect Pour!

For some reason this year, I guess, somebody thought Fresno is part of SF Beer Week and dropped off some Heady Topper. So we decided to pit it against a local Hazy DIPA, Tioga Sequoia’s Tecumseh Of Rivia! How does it hold up? Listen in.

We fit in some more fun stuff, including, one of our Show Reps has noticed an odd and slightly hilarious thing happening on Untappd lately. And we have more options for games to play while drinking.

DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour341.mp3
[Some bad language]



Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our send “samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

How Is Tree House Brewing King Of Untappd?

This beer battle station is fully operational this week!

How can Tree House Brewing be the #1 most checked-in brewery on Untappd this Summer? Do their fans go through an Untappd training course or something? Are they just that damn good? We’ll try to figure out this and more beer things.

Please join us.

CLICK: ThePerfectPour322.mp3

[Some foul language used so don’t listen with your mom around]


You are very awesome for listening. Keep being awesome and check out these things too.


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our send “samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Two Beer Dudes and a Man Baby: The Perfect Pour #319

I don’t think we drank any Russian River beer this week. Huh. Well, that’s fine, we’re still going to drink plenty of good beer. And talk. Talk about beer geeky things. And talk about someone getting drunk in a Target fitting room. Oh, and one of the interesting things that happens is, Matt makes us drink some things we would not like to drink. What a jerk. He does advise us of the most affordable places (with a good beer scene) to be.

DOWNLOAD: PerfectPour319.mp3
48.5MB | 1:45:56 | Language

You are very awesome for listening. Keep being awesome and check out these things too.


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711


Grunge Is Coming For Craft Beer: The Perfect Pour Episode #312

Russian River: Are they REALLY coming to Fresno?

Seriously, check your dates, even if you think it’s a new beer.

The Gunge era of Craft Beer must be coming for us all, right?

This and a lot more Beer Geek fun on a new Perfect Pour:

CLICK: PerfectPour312.mp3
44.7MB | 1:37:39 | Bad Language

Thanks for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.


Everyone Has A Sierra Pale Story, Pal: The Perfect Pour #312

Could my pool filter also filter my beer? Can it make a Hard Seltzer? I don’t know why we’re asking these kinds of things, but we are.

Sit back, crank up the show, open a beer and have some beer geeky fun with us.

CLICK: PourOfPerfect.mp3
Some Fowl Language!

Thanks for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Shelf Stable Glassware Breaking: The Perfect Pour #307

Oskar Blues

This is a break-your-glass kind of episode. A fall asleep on your lawn afterward, episode.

Stout Boys vs. Haze Boys kind of episode.

We enjoy an Oskar Blues “CANundrum” 15-pack as we hang out and talk the things in beer that we and the voicemailers like.

The day is yours. Have a beer with us.

CLICK: PerfectPour307.mp3
43.7MB | 1:39:59 | Some Language

Thank you for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Juicy Session Hazy Bruts: Not A Thing – The Perfect Pour 303

Monkish Brewing Crowler

We finally get to talk about the whole Dogfish Head and Boston Beer Company thing. The main question is: Will it change how you drink Dogfish Head or Sam Adams?

Are Brut IPAs, like, DONE done or is there still life? Is BrewDog screwing over marketers?

More beer geek stuff when ya listen. CHEERS!

Click to download: Episode303.mp3
48.3MB | 1:45:40 | Bad Language

Thank you for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711

Strong Pales Will Be My Summer: The Perfect Pour #301

Dank and Sticky

The next 300 episodes begin. They begin with the introduction of Strong Pales. What the hell is a Strong Pale? Have you had a Strong Pale and didn’t know it? Will it be an all Strong Pale Summer? Should it be my Bike Month Beer? This episode will answer none of these questions. But those are good questions, none the less.

Much beer fun is had, as always. Please join us on our journey through the next 300 episodes!

Click to download: StrongPalesEpisode301.mp3
38.3MB | 1:23:51 | Fowl Language


Thank you for listening!

Keep being awesome and check out these links:


Subscribe to the show in Apple Podcast.
Subscribe in Google Play.
You can also find us on Spotify and Stitcher.

Perfect Pour’s YouTube Channel.

HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

Sign up for Mikey’s Top Pour craft beer newsletter
Check out Mikey’s Beer Geek blog.

Our “send samples” to us address:

The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711