Zack’s Brewing Company in studio with Linefest Beer! [Perfect Pour EP280]

Zack's Brewing in studio

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Zack’s Brewing opens their doors for the first time on December 15th in Fresno. The same day at the same time, across the street, Tioga Sequoia Brewing has its Rush Day bottle release event!

It will be a rush of a day for us and Fresno and we have Gail & Steven Zack in the studio to talk about it.

Opening a new brewery comes with many joys and frustrations and we’ll hear about some in this episode – even about working with Untappd and kids & dogs in taprooms.

We don’t forget to do our normal brand of beer geek talk. Like:

  • Are we, in the Craft Beer Community, okay with paying $20 plus for 16oz 4-packs? It’s life now.
  • How do you like your taprooms? Size wise I mean.
  • Why does Budweiser’s BCBS still a Linefest Beer?
  • Lister podcasts, aka Voicemails.

All this and more on this 32oz sized megasode. Enjoy!

Download: ZacksBrewing280.mp3
65.2MB | 2:22:29 | Fowl Language



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HOSTED BY: Nick. Matt. Mikey.
MUSIC BY: Sunburns
Drop Us A Line: Email Perfect Pour.

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The Perfect Pour – co Mike Seay.
2037 W. Bullard Ave #153
Fresno, CA 93711